3 thoughts on “Economics, Distributism, and Limits Theory

  1. Just wanted to let you know that my husband (Arthur) just thinks the world of you. I suppose that sounds too feminine… He thinks you are a warrior for Christ…. there, that’s better. We are so moved by your programs on EWTN both television and radio. What a great ministry for the Lord–both with your terrific guests and your own brilliant comments! You have helped us greatly as new converts to the faith. (And we needed lots, coming from the Seventh-day Adventist Church!) God bless you! And enjoy that farm!

  2. Marcus, God has blessed us all when He led you Home to the Catholic Church! Thank you for answering His call! A comment about “owning” land. I have grown up on a farm and have farmed for all of my adult life. It has been a great place to have a family but there has been plenty of stress that has come along with farming. One of my main farming goals has been to be able to “own” the family farm and have it paid for by time I retire. A great deal of that stress has been relieved since I have been focusing on the fact that I am a steward of this land and God is the owner. Just a reminder that we must put God first in our lives and everything else will fall into order.

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